Slash Your Bills with New South Wales Hot Water Upgrades!

Let us install your hot water system in NSW today and start saving immediately while enjoying reliable hot water around the clock. Thanks to government energy schemes, we can replace your old electric heater with a state-of-the-art, energy-efficient heat pump system absolutely free.

Our licensed plumbers and electricians ensure professional installation, backed by heavy subsidies. Once installed, you'll receive compliance certificates from Electrical and Plumbing NSW Fair Trading, guaranteeing the quality of our work. By switching to our energy-efficient heat pump system, you can cut your water heating costs by 70%. For an average household of five, that's over $1,000 in savings annually. Join the ranks of thousands benefiting from this eco-friendly solution.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

The NSW hot water upgrades program not only saves you money but also reduces your household's carbon footprint. Our new hot water systems use only 70% of the energy compared to traditional ones, aligning with environmental standards. Our licensed professionals handle the installation and provide necessary compliance certificates to meet New South Wales Fair Trading regulations.

Features & Specifications of Our Hot Water System

Optional Built-in Electric Heater Ensures continuous operation in all conditions.

R134a Refrigerant Eco-friendly refrigerant for efficient performance.

Max. Water Output Temperature 60°C for diverse applications.

Automatic Startup and Shutdown Hassle-free operation with automatic control.

Four-Way Valve for Automatic Defrosting Maintains efficiency in cold climates.

Reliable and Efficient Expertly designed for unmatched functionality and efficiency.

Send us an enquiry

Book your HOT Water System – fully installed

1300 880 469